Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transactional Replication

I noticed that lots of P2P structure are being implemented into application nowadays to enable high availability. So, I guess I need to studied up what's it about:

Peer-to-peer replication provides a scale-out and high-availability solution by maintaining copies of data across multiple server instances, also referred to as nodes. Built on the foundation of transactional replication, peer-to-peer replication propagates transactionally consistent changes in near real-time. This enables applications that require scale-out of read operations to distribute the reads from clients across multiple nodes. Because data is maintained across the nodes in near real-time, peer-to-peer replication provides data redundancy, which increases the availability of data.
Source URL: Peer-to-Peer Transactional Replication 

By discussing synchronization, there will always be possibility of lost of data. So, I assume this is a whole new area of testing and to really test this out, you need to have great knowledge on what topology being applied. Hmm...

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